Friday, October 18, 2013


Cooler temperatures mixed with busy school days always make me feel like Fall has truly arrived. The past couple of weeks have had plenty of both! I introduced all of the 5th and 6th graders to the book review process we're starting this year and there was a great response, as you can see from the ticket filled circulation desk.
Sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas I'll do a drawing for prizes from all of the tickets, so the kids were glad to learn that the more books they read and review, the better chance they have of winning.

Today, I started the 6th grade current events project, which will go throughout the year. The students will select two themes, like science, art, or health, to follow throughout the year. The scope of news that they will focus on will vary from one trimester to the next. The first trimester it will be national, the second will be European, and the third will be Latin America. Each week the students will be expected to find and paraphrase articles, ask essential questions, and make presentations periodically. We went over the expectations, the resources on the LiveBinder, and reviewed the paraphrasing process today:

  1. Read the article once through without taking notes.
  2. Read the article a second time, underline/highlight, and take notes while thinking about your essential questions.
  3. Write your summary and respond to essential questions without looking at the article. Reference back for specific spelling, dates, and names. 
In class, the students read through and entire article and then I asked them to tell me some facts. Of course, they relayed the information in their own words and I pointed out that this is exactly what they will be doing on their own, except writing the information down instead of saying it out loud. 
A couple of the classes met in the Lower School Learning Commons, since the lab was being used. They were excited to sit on the story steps and were in aw of the new smart board. These classes seemed more engaged than usual, so I may change the scenery more often!  

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