Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Bad Unicorn, by Platte F. Clark

With books, comes knowledge, and knowledge can be a dangerous thing. This is exactly why Max Spencer is in grave danger the moment he cracks the spine of The Codex of Infinite Knowability: a book full magic beyond belief. Max is keenly aware of the danger he faces since it is made clear in the copyright warning. However, the prospect of the world being taken over by squirrels and terrible lashings from the Tree of Woe aren't enough to keep him from reading on.

In a last ditch effort to put an end to Max's curiosity, Princess the Destroyer is sent to gobble Max up. Of course, Princess is a unicorn, but not just any unicorn, she is a unicorn with an insatiable appetite and a knack for hunting all living things. While Princess is the brawn, a crooked sorcerer and his master are the brains behind this plan and have promised princess a buffet of humans in Texas if she comes through.

There is more riding on Max's shoulders than just his life; make that the lives of all people. With such dire straights, it's hard to imagine there would be much room for humor, but Bad Unicorn is plum full of outrageous animals and unworldly circumstances that make this first book in what is set to be a trilogy a fantastical giggle-fest that you must pick up. 

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